
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Preparing your puppy for the vet

Not many people really think about all the future vet visits for their new puppy when they are training them.  Most of the time they just bring their dogs to the vet and don’t really think about how to make the situation easier for both parties involved.

It can be very strange for your dog to have a stranger feeling his belly, looking into his mouth and ears or touching his feet. These are not things they are used to having done to them at home, but it should be. If your pet is relaxed the veterinarian can do a better exam and better evaluate your pet’s health. 

Here are some simple things you can do at home to get your dog used to the vet.

Daniel's reprieve

Image from the Associated Press

Slated for euthanasia in a shelter in Alabama, somehow this dog survived!

This also brings up a few points on whether or not gas chambers are an ethical form of euthanasia. Carbon monoxide is commonly used in rodent euthanasia however guidelines for laboratories require a second method also be used once the animal is asleep, commonly cervical dislocation is used. However it seems with shelters they rely only on the gas. 

This story does bring up some interesting things to think about as well as a heartwarming reprieve for the poor little fellow involved.