
Friday, October 28, 2011

Purebred or Mutt?

You have already decided to add in another member of the family. So now what? Do you go with a purebred dog and a mutt from the pound? There are pro and cons to both

If you want a dog with predictable looks and predictable temperament then perhaps a purebred dog is right for you. The benefit of a purebred dog is you know what you are getting into. However you must do the research to determine if the dog is right for you. Just because you like the looks of a Siberian husky doesn’t mean you are prepared to have one.  Can you deal with the energy level?  Animal Planet has a good breed quiz to point you in the right direction.

When you do decide on a breed consider contacting local breed rescues for adults who need homes.  Petfinder can be a good resource for locating certain breeds of dogs.

If you are dead set on a puppy, make sure you are getting a puppy from a reputable breeder. Commonly purebred dogs also have health issues associated with that breed. Good breeders test for these problems and also try to avoid breeding affected individuals. Research you breeder. Sometimes you may have to wait on a list but it is definitely worth the trouble. Poorly bred dogs can end up having severe health issues, some fatal.

If a dog from the pound is more your speed, that’s awesome! The best place to start is visiting your local animal shelters.  Look for a dog who is sociable and interested in you. Keep in mind even if he is an adult he may need to be trained like a puppy since his previous home may not have been ideal.

Dogs of mixed origins tend to have what is called hybrid vigor. This generally means that they tend to be healthier due to bad genes being more diluted.  They also can be very unique looking dogs.

Regardless of what you pick, you should try to research and make a connection with an animal you are choosing to care for. Make sure they are compatible to your lifestyle.